IWmini001 - Izzy’s Koala World


Magnetic Island pulled us in for this special mini-episode, where we explore the delightful Izzy's Koala World.

A cast of koalas. A precocious kid. Love and hugs galore.

To listen, click on the player below.


Photo by Amirali Mirhashemian. Licensed through Unsplash.

Photo by Amirali Mirhashemian. Licensed through Unsplash.

Here at Island Watch, a customized listening/viewing picnic for each show is one of our specialties. Enjoy!

Island Watch Picnic Picks

for Izzy’s Koala World

In Island Watch terms, what’s more Australian than two Aussies on their own boat, making an Aussie Burger with the lot? Maggie and Ryan of Narrowboat Chef will walk you through how to make this a picnic pick to remember. We chose this loaded burger as it’s easy to make and quick to eat, because, you know...there’s no time to waste when there are koalas needing help!

Eucalyptus leaves = koala mukbang! (Just don’t join in on the eucalyptus, as its poisonous to most creatures, including humans.) Tune in to the Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary webcams and munch along on your favourite greens.


Photo by Abbie Bernet. Licensed through Unsplash.

Photo by Abbie Bernet. Licensed through Unsplash.


Because you asked... we now have ratings for all the shows and movies we watch.

To make sure you can find exactly the island show that’s right for you, we answer two questions for each show:

Does this show make me feel like I’m actually on the island? That’s our specialized Island Rating. No other show gives you that!

Do we recommend this show? Our Star Rating lets you know if we loved a show or not, regardless of the island.

Be sure to revisit our earlier episodes to see our ratings.


Island Rating

Coastal Highway (2 out of 5)
Was there anything else happening on screen other than cute koalas? I made it almost through to the end before realizing that I was meant to be watching for an island.

Dave: Coastal Highway (2 out of 5)
Beautiful scenery and atmosphere. But we could have been on the Australian mainland.

Star Rating

Gemma: 5 out of 5
Family friendly, full of hugs, and oh those sweet-faced fuzzy little bears.

Dave: 4 out of 5
A charming diversion. And it’s full of koalas!


Photo by Joao Marques. Licensed through Unsplash.

Photo by Joao Marques. Licensed through Unsplash.

Our next island: We are sailing to the stunning nation of Kiribati, 33 coral islands in the Central Pacific Ocean.

Messages in a Bottle: The best way to get in touch with us is by email. Send your questions and comments to us at islandwatchpodcast@gmail.com


IW005 - Kiribati: A Drowning Paradise


IW004 - Moana